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This is my blog that follows my design processes through IDE 3 semester 1. Please feel free to browse and enjoy a sneak peak into how my project processes go.

I have divided my blog up into 5 categories:

1. Tutorial- this covers what was done within the tutorial and what my understanding of the lecture was.

2. Assessment Process - this covers the processes of my assignments so, how I got my design to where it is.

3. Research - this covers the research done for each assignment, what histories I looked into books I read etc.

4. Assessment - this covers my final assessment documents. where you can find the complete document for each assessment. 

5. Homework - the questions, or recommended items to do that were either not completed in the tutorials or suggested to do in the tutorials. 

Project Timeline


The Timeline in which i have set to complete Assessments 2 & 3

IDE3 Timeline.png

Blog Posts


The blog posts for IDE3 Semester 1 covering all assessment work, tutorial work and research

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